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Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

We offers four bachelor programmes in local languages.

All study programmes last three years (6 semesters, 180 ECTS credits) and offer wide range of elective courses for futher specializations. These study programmes share a common first semester.

You can find more information at respective pages of those programs:

General Programme Outcomes for Bachelor Degree Programmes

Knowledge and Understanding

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other basic sciences underlying their engineering specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes;
  • knowledge and understanding of engineering disciplines underlying their specialisation, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes, including some awareness at their forefront;
  • awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering.
Engineering Analysis

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • ability to analyse complex engineering products, processes and systems in their field of study;
  • to select and apply relevant methods from established analytical, computational and experimental methods;
  • to correctly interpret the outcomes of such analyses;
  • ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in their field of study;
  • to select and apply relevant methods from established analytical, computational and experimental methods;
  • to recognise the importance of non-technical
  • societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial – constraints.
Engineering Design

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • ability to develop and design complex products (devices, artefacts, etc.), processes and systems in their field of study to meet established requirements, that can include an awareness of non-technical – societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial– considerations;
  • to select and apply relevant design methodologies;
  • ability to design using some awareness of the forefront of their engineering specialisation.

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • ability to conduct searches of literature, to consult and to critically use scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information, to carry out simulation and analysis in order to pursue detailed investigations and research of technical issues in their field of study;
  • ability to consult and apply codes of practice and safety regulations in their field of study;
  • laboratory/workshop skills and ability to design and conduct experimental investigations, interpret data and draw conclusions in their field of study.
Engineering Practice

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • understanding of applicable techniques and methods of analysis, design and investigation and of their limitations in their field of study;
  • practical skills for solving complex problems, realising complex engineering designs and conducting investigations in their field of study;
  • understanding of applicable materials, equipment and tools, engineering technologies and processes, and of their limitations in their field of study;
  • ability to apply norms of engineering practice in their field of study;
  • awareness of non-technical -societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial – implications of engineering practice;
  • awareness of economic, organisational and managerial issues (such as project management, risk and change management) in the industrial and business context.
Making Judgements

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • ability to gather and interpret relevant data and handle complexity within their field of study, to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social and ethical issues;
  • ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects in their field of study, taking responsibility for decision making.
Communication and Team-working

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • ability to communicate effectively information, ideas, problems and solutions with engineering community and society at large;
  • ability to function effectively in a national and international context, as an individual and as a member of a team and to cooperate effectively with engineers and non-engineers.
Lifelong Learning

The learning process should enable Bachelor Degree graduates to demonstrate:

  • ability to recognise the need for and to engage in independent life-long learning;
  • ability to follow developments in science and technology.