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Project title iMARECULTURE -  iMmersive serious games and Augmented REality as tools to raise awareness and access to European underwater CULTURal heritagE
Project coordination Cyprus University of Technology
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Selma Rizvić
Funding Horizon 2020
Start - End Novembar, 2016 - Oktobar, 2019
Web page
Project title MORUS- Unmanned system for maritime security and environmental monitoring
Project coordination Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Adnan Tahirović
Funding The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme
Start - End Septembar, 2015 - Avgust, 2018
Web page
Project title Quadrivo pro, ATV path planing on partially known rough terrains
Project coordination -
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Adnan Tahirovic
Funding Politecnico di Milano (DIEB)
Start – End Juni, 2013 – Juli, 2015
Web page -
Project title Tackling the "Digital Divide" in SEE by using the capacity of DTT networks
Project coordination -
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Mesud Hadžialić
Funding SEE Programme ERDF/IPA
Start – End Oktobar, 2012 – Novembar, 2014
Web page -
Project title BUZZAAR webmap
Project coordination -
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Samim Konjicija
Funding Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Start – End Maj, 2012 – Oktobar, 2014
Web page -
Project title - Virtual Museums Transnational Network
Project coordination Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR ITABC, Italy
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Selma Rizvić
Funding EU FP7-ICT
Start – End Februar, 2011 – Januar, 2015
Web page
Project title ThermalMapper - Thermal 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments for Saving Energy
Project coordination Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany
Project leader at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Jasmin Velagić
Funding European Commission (FP7 SEE-ERA-NET PLUS)
Start – End Novembar, 2010 – Septembar, 2012
Web page