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Name of the qualification and respective title:

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Programme Telecommunications


Main field of study: Telecommunications

Study cycle: First study cycle

Official length of programme: Six semesters/three years

Admission requirements: Completed four-year high school and passed entrance test in Mathematics

Mode of study: Full-time

Language of instruction and examinations: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian

Accreditation: ASIIN, ASIIN, Euro-Inf®

Educational Objectives of the programme

  • Possesses fundamental knowledge in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, electromagnetics and information theory necessary for an electrical engineer with focus on telecommunications;
  • Has broad education in the field of electrical engineering and telecommunications with an overview of current telecommunications issues which enables him to identify and solve engineering problems in the area of telecommunications and contribute to design of telecommunication systems and processes;
  • Has the following skills required to work as telecommunications engineer:
    • Design, planning, operating and maintenance of: communications systems and software applications required for their work; electronic systems related to telecommunication systems; communication networks, telemetric and similar applications; signal processing systems;
    • Design of components and subsystems of telecommunication systems;
  • Possesses knowledge, skills and competences that enable continuation of education in the area of telecommunications or similar area;
  • Is enabled to follow and use professional literature and continuously acquire new knowledge through informal learning methods and apply them in practice, and is aware of necessity of further professional improvement through a process of lifelong learning;
  • Possesses adequate communication skills and is ready for team work with people from the same or different areas, and is responsible towards profession and society in general;

Learning Outcomes

  • Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and physics as well as deepened knowledge and understanding of electrical engineering;
  • Fundamental engineering knowledge in problem statement, analysis and solution;
  • Insight into connection of telecommunications with electrical engineering and other engineering discipline, as well as with mathematics, physics and computer engineering and information technologies;
  • Computer science and programming knowledge needed for application of computer based methods; Good specialist knowledge of the following telecommunication areas: Electronics, Electromagnetic fields and wave propagation, Information theory and theory of signals and systems in telecommunications, Telecommunications techniques, Telecommunications network nods, Wireless Telecommunications, Networking, network protocols and traffic theory;
  • Competency to select and apply appropriate engineering principles and mathematic and computing methods to telecommunication problems;
  • Competency to identify, analyze and state telecommunication problems they have not seen during studies;
  • Competency to solve mentioned problems applying acquired engineering knowledge, general mathematics, physics and computer science knowledge, and specialist telecommunication knowledge and using appropriate literature they are trained to find;
  • Competence to plan and execute tests and experiments in the area of telecommunications that can provide conclusions and check hypothesis;
  • Competence to analyze, synthesize and configure: communication systems, electronic systems related to telecommunications systems, communication networks, telemetric and similar applications, communications systems and software applications required for their work, using appropriate methods and techniques considering scientific, technical, social, environmental and environmental conditions and standards;
  • Knowledge of practical usage of telecommunications, knowledge of standards and understanding of influence telecommunication systems, their operation and maintenance have on environment and understanding need for sustainable development;
  • Awareness of need and realization of continuous following of telecommunications development and learning of new principles, techniques and technologies in all above mentioned areas of telecommunications;
  • Capability to work in various professional areas owing to acquired general, specialist and methodological competencies, capability to communicate with colleagues and public about questions and issues related to all areas of telecommunications, capability to work individually or as a part of team, to organize and implement projects;
  • Readiness to professional and academic requirements when employed after graduation.

Programme syllabus with course descriptions:

  • To download Programme syllabus with course descriptions click here