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Programme syllabus with course descriptions: Master/Diploma engineer of Electrical Engineering, Programme Telecommunications

I semester

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Process simulation at communication channel ETF TKO SPKT 4780 7 80 38 28 14
2 Architecture of package nodes ETF TKO APČ 4770 6 70 42 14 14
3 Optical telecommunications systems ETF TKO OTS 4770 6 70 42 14 14
4 Elective module I.1   X X      
5 Elective module I.2   X X      
  TOTAL:   X x      

Elective module I.1

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Process simulation in telecommunications network ETF TKI SPTM 4770 6 70 28 28 14
2 - - - - - - -

Elective module I.2

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Software engineering in telecommunications ETF TKO TSI 4760 5 60 39 12 9
2 - - - - - - -

II semester

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Cryptography and system security ETF TKO KSS 4880 7 80 38 28 14
2 Service quality in telecommunication networks ETF TKO KUTM 4880 7 80 38 28 14
3 Advanced chapters of signal processing ETF TKO NPPS 4870 6 70 28 24 14
4 Elective module II.1   X X      
5 Elective module II.2   X X      
  TOTAL:   X x      

Elective module II.1

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Image and video compression ETF TKI KSV 4856 5 56 28 14 14
2 - - - - - - -

Elective module II.2

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Technology of access wireless networks ETF TKO TPBM 4856 5 56 28 14 14
2 - - - - - - -

III semester

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Telecommunications networks management ETF TKO UTM 5980 7 80 42 24 24
2 Network multimedia services ETF TKO MMS 5970 6 70 42 14 14
3 Systems and services of mobile communications t ETF TKO SSMT 5970 6 70 42 14 14
4 Elective module III.1   X X      
5 Elective module III.2   X X      
  TOTAL:   X x      

Elective module III.1

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 System aspects in telecommunications ETF TKI SAT 5970 6 70 42 14 14
2 - - - - - - -

Elective module III.2

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Software design of protocols ETF TKI SDP 5960 5 60 28 25 7
2 - - - - - - -

IV semester

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Advanced telecommunication protocols and new generation networks ETF TKO NTPMG 51070 6 70 42 14 14
2 Advanced chapters in analysis of the IP traffic ETF TC NPAS 51060 5 60 28 25 7
3 Elective module IV.1   X X      
4 Master thesis   15 X      
  TOTAL:   X x      

Elective module IV.1

N Module Code ECTS H/S P V T
1 Business models in telecommunications ETF TCI PMT 51050 4 50 32 11 7
2 - - - - - - -


ECTS - Number of credit points
H/S - Total number of contact hours
P - Lectures per semester
V - Lab. works and exercises
T - Tutorials / Assistant guided and supervised exercises